Visit local food initiatives in Wageningen

Read this page in Dutch

On the morning of April 3, just before the official start of the conference, you can visit local, sustainable food initiatives in the surroundings of Wageningen. Regional agroecological food systems are an important component of Voedsel Anders’vision. This is why we give you the chance to get to know sustainable local producers and initiatives in and around Wageningen. Join in one of five fantastic excursions on Friday morning 3 April!

Each excursion has a limited number of places available. Make sure to register on time!

  • When: Friday 3 April 2020, 9h30-12h15, registration from 9h15
  • Where: meeting point on the campus of Wageningen university 
  • What: bike excursions to local food initiatives in the area of Wageningen 
  • How: by bike. You can use your own bike, or borrow a bike from Voedsel Anders
  • Price: 5 euros

Choose one of the following five excursions:

Route 1: Sustainable animal husbandry (in Dutch)

The animal is the central piece of this tour. We will see different examples of how animal husbandry can be connected with the local community, from a local organic family farm and shop to nature management through sheep-herding.
You will visit Boerderij van Steenbergen, Grebbeveld schapen&zo and other farms.

Route 2: Local beer production (Dutch/English)

The Wageningse Eng is a centuries old cultural landscape that has been cultivated for a thousand years. Grain cultivation of yesteryear is back among the many allotment gardens. The barley produced there is brewed locally into beer by the local city brewery. A wonderful example of a local food web.
You will visit Wageningse Korenschoof, Graangeluk, Stadsbrouwerij Wageningen.

Route 3: Local food initiatives in the city centre (in Dutch)

This tour will give you a taste of inner city food initiatives bringing sustainable and locally produced food to the people of Wageningen. See how innovative social entrepreneurs and groups of volunteers contribute to a sustainable food system!
You will visit De Vlijt wind mill, Food of Cultures (tbc), Natural Butcher Keijzer & Van Santen (tbc), Vreemde Streken bio-catering, Foodsharing Wageningen (in Thuis), pick-up point Veld en Beek organic farm.

Route 4: Care farms and educational food production (in Dutch)

In this excursion we will discover together the caring and educational side of food production. From social integration in a care farm to community building on a community garden, to learning from nature in a food forest. Agriculture is much more than food production!
You will visit Creative Garden, Droevendaal experimental Food Forest and De Hoge Born.

Route 5: Community supported agriculture in market gardening (Dutch/English)

This tour will introduce you to wonderful illustrations of community supported agriculture. Self harvesting and weekly vegetable bag subscriptions provide a stable source of revenue for the farmer while reconnecting consumers to their food. Get inspired by these vegetable market gardens!
You will visit Nieuwe Ronde, pluktuin Bosrand, pluktuin Sayuran, Ommuurde Tuin

All participating initiatives and small businesses are a member of the platform Wageningen Eet Duurzaam (Wageningen Eats Sustainably). The excursions are organised by a group of volunteers from Wageningen connected to Boerengroep and OtherWise.