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Voedsel Anders Conference 2016
Towards fair and sustainable food systems

On February 12th and 13th 2016, the second edition of the Voedsel Anders Conference took place in Wageningen. Over a 1000 people visited this two-day program about the transition to fair and sustainable food systems. It included 60 well visited workshops on issues and alternatives related to agroecology, soils, local food systems, urban farming, agriculture and trade policies, access to land and land rights.

There was music, theatre and inspiring speakers such as Jonathan Karpathios (Greek-Dutch cook and foodblogger), Jyoti Fernandes (farmer, UK Land Workers Alliance& La Via Campesina), Irene Cardoso (Professor Soil sciences and Brazillian Alliance for agroecology), Jan Douwe van der Ploeg (Wageningen UR), Martin van Ittersum (Wageningen UR), Sieta van Keimpema (Dutch Dairymen Board), Niek Koning (Wageningen UR) en Frits van der Wal (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

The conference was supported by: Action Aid, A SEED, Boerengroep, Both ENDS, Brabantse Milieufederatie, Cityplot, Centrum voor Landbouw en Milieu, Down2Earth, ELPG, FIAN-NL, Greenpeace, Hivos, ILEIA, Land&Co, Louis Bolk Instituut, Milieudefensie, Nederlandse Akkerbouw Vakbond, Nederlandse Melkveehouders Vakbond, NetVisWerk, OtherWise, Platform ABC, Rich Forests, RUAF, Toekomstboeren, Transnational Institute, Velt, Vereniging voor biologisch-dynamische landbouw en voeding, Wervel, and Wageningen University.